This year, on March 20th, the world celebrates the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness 2023. The aim is to advance and achieve the UN’s goals of “happiness, well-being and freedom of all life on earth by 2050”. To find out how to get involved, visit the official website.
We have come up with our own ideas for how you can celebrate happiness this International Happiness Day:

Focus on your mental health
By developing a list of the things that make you happier, and bring you up when you feel down. Journal 3 things each day you are grateful for - whether it’s something as small as a buy one get one free offer on your favourite food at the supermarket, or as big as a promotion at work.
Give to others
Volunteer for a cause you feel passionate about, help a neighbour or give to charity. Anything that makes others happy, makes you happy too.
Get involved in a community project
Doing something to give back to your community not only feels good in the same way volunteering might, but it also introduces you to the people in your local area and might get you some new friends.
Celebrate the small wins
It’s easy to forget the smaller achievements that we make on a day to day basis, but these all add up to big wins over time that may go unnoticed if we don’t celebrate the small wins. Take time each day to reflect on what you have achieved - this is especially good with a friend over an award-winning cup of Amma Life CBD tea.

Spread your smile...
...And give it to someone who doesn’t have one. Take time to talk to a homeless person and ask them about their life. Be kind to someone in a service industry during an interaction that, on any other day, would be entirely transactional.
Learn a new skill
Always fancied learning Italian? Want to know how to cook Japanese food, try paddleboarding, or learn to play the guitar? Don’t put it off any longer - start today.
Get out in nature
It’s good for us to move our bodies, get vitamin D from being in natural daylight, and feel the calming, healing effect of being surrounded by Mother Nature. Drink it all in with a long stroll in your local park or nature reserve.
Optimise your health
Getting healthy isn’t just for January resolutions. It’s never too late to start your journey to peak health, whether it be starting a regular workout regime, picking up a new sport or one you used to love as a child. Let CBD support your journey to the best health of your life - find out how to get started how here.

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