Amma Life news — Mental Health

International Day of Happiness

International Day of Happiness

This year, on March 20th, the world celebrates the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness 2023. The aim is to advance and achieve the UN’s goals of “happiness, well-being and freedom of all life on earth by 2050”. To find out how to get involved, visit the official website.   We have come up with our own ideas for how you can celebrate happiness this International Happiness Day: Focus on your mental health By developing a list of the things that make you happier, and bring you up when you feel down. Journal 3 things each day you are grateful...

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World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

The theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day, marked annually on the 10th October, is “Mental health for all: greater investment, greater access”. So what can you do this year to make mental health and mental health support a greater priority in your life? Every year, more than 800,000 people take their own lives. This is more than through war and homicide combined. It’s a grim reality that without support and access to professional help, many people will take their own lives every year.Removing the stigma surrounding mental illness and providing people with greater access to the help they...

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