Miley Cyrus’ latest single Flowers hit the headlines in January for allegedly being a message to her ex-husband Liam Hemsworth. Her lyrics resonated with people across the globe wanting to celebrate their own Self Love:
“I can buy myself flowers,
Write my name in the sand.
Talk to myself for hours,
Say things you don’t understand.
I can take myself dancing,
And I can hold my own hand.”
This Valentine’s Day, even if you are in a relationship, it’s important to cherish and honour your primary relationship in life, which is with your Self. Without Self love, it is very difficult (some may even say impossible) to truly give and receive love in a healthy, safe way.A great place to start exploring how to love yourself, is to first establish how you like to receive love the most. This can be done best by researching Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages, which are:
- Words of affirmation
- Physical touch
- Gift giving
- Quality time
- Acts of service
Make time to enjoy your own company. Feel empowered to express love in the ways you will find most enjoyable and gratifying.
Here’s a few ideas for each:
Words of affirmation
- Write positive affirmations and repeat them to yourself every day.
- Write a list of all the things you love and are grateful for about yourself and your life.
- Write and send yourself a Valentine’s Day card.
Physical touch
Give yourself a massage using Amma Life’s CBD balm.
- Get a manicure or pedicure.
- Give yourself a facial, and exfoliate using our homemade CBD scrub recipe.
Gift giving
- Buy yourself a beautiful bunch of flowers.
- Buy yourself one of those fancy heart-shaped boxes of chocolates and indulge.
- Treat yourself to 10% off all Amma Life CBD products TODAY. Site-wide sale now on with code: Valentine10 (valid until 25th February).
Quality time
- Go to the cinema. Make sure to buy yourself popcorn too, like you would on a date.
- Go to a dance class, or put your favourite songs on and dance around your home like nobody’s watching.
- Allow yourself to enjoy a walk in a local natural beauty spot.
Acts of service
- Pour yourself a big hot bath with salts and bubbles, and allow yourself to soak for hours.
- Cook yourself a fancy meal.
- Pay for someone to do a job that’s been on your to-do list forever. Don’t fancy putting up that shelf, doing the cleaning or fixing something that’s been broken for months? Take advantage of the gig economy and find someone who’ll do it for you.
As we approach Valentine's Day, take time to show yourself love as well as your significant other, and reap the benefits of a more healthy relationship with yourself. This is the key to healthy relationships with others: and as we cultivate a positive and loving relationship towards ourselves, that love ripples out into our other relationships and in turn brings even more love into our lives.