New Year’s resolutions. Are you sticking to them, or have you discarded them already?

New Year’s resolutions. Are you sticking to them, or have you discarded them already?

This January, like many others, you have probably made New Year’s resolutions or goals to improve your life in 2020. However, according to a study of those who made resolutions, only 46% stick to them - meaning most people don’t achieve their goals! Make 2020 the year you shape your life to be the way you want it to be, with our top tips for sticking to them.

Have you set the right goals?

If you have already abandoned your goals for 2020 (before the month has ended). It may be worth taking a step back to re-evaluate your goals and take more time to really think about what you want out of life.
The first step is to always consider what you want to draw into your life. Is it more happiness, socialising, greater fitness, a particular new job, or a dream holiday. Then go in deeper. Why do you want this, how will it make you feel once you are there experiencing that moment and living your dream.

It is all in the Detail

Once you have decided that you have the RIGHT goals for you. Start drilling down into the details of each goal. What exactly will it look like once you get this goal, when do you want it to happen etc. So if you want a new career path, start thinking about what type of job you want, the salary, the team around you, where you want to work, how many hours. Then make a list of what steps you can take to make it happen.Work on developing a particular skill, expand your network to find people that already do something similar, apply for jobs in that sector. The more attention and detail you can give to this section, the better. As this will really help you focus and create a workable plan.
If you are still unsure about which goals to set. We have chosen some good all-rounders that can support your wellbeing and ensure you create a great foundation to enjoy 2020.

Eat well

Everything you consume is absorbed into your body, so it’s important for your mental and physical wellbeing to have a balanced, varied and nourishing diet. Variety is the spice of life! Try one new recipe each week to make it fun and experimental. Sharing goals with friends can help you stay motivated, so why not invite a friend round and get them involved in each new recipe?Try adding a daily dose of Amma Life CBD oil into your diet too, to support your wellbeing and your health. Or give our CBD hummus and CBD butter recipes a go, to make it easier to include a daily intake of CBD in your diet.

Drink less alcohol

If you started 2020 with a hangover, you may be considering cutting back on alcohol this year. Not only will it improve your mood, sleep, skin, and immune system, it will also save you money. Have you tried our award-winning CBD teas for something a little different? When you do treat yourself to a little tipple, why not try combining your drink with water soluble CBD to help maintain a healthy balance? Try our CBD cocktail recipe and let us know what you think.

Save money and spend less

This is a goal high on most people’s list of new year’s resolutions. First of all, write down everything you spend money on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly - be it regular bills, takeaway meals, trips to the cinema - everything. Then take this away from what you earn, and plan to put the rest in savings.
Always save on pay day, and use one of the many mobile apps available to help you. If you’re spending more that you earn on a regular basis, decide what you can cut from the ‘spend’ list. Ask yourself: do you need it, or want it? If you want it, can you afford it?If you regularly buy Amma Life CBD, why not sign up for Star Drop Rewards? You earn points every time you buy, which saves you money off future purchases. And if you refer a friend, you also get points for their first purchase. Also, to help you save look out for our special offer & bundle deals.

Exercise more

Regular exercise helps you sleep, concentrate, look and feel better. It has significant benefits for your mental health, with mood-boosting endorphins being released before and after a workout. Try doing 30 minutes of daily exercise, such as yoga, tai chi, climbing – anything that gets you moving, preferably outside for a double boost to your health. Studies show that even just 15 minutes in natural daylight increases levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D increases levels of serotonin in the brain, boosting your mood. Being in nature is said to reduce stress and anxiety and improve energy levels.If you are taking part in a race or competition this year, consider adding CBD into your fitness plan. CBD can help to support your sports recovery after workouts, which means you can get back to training sooner. This can be a real game changer during intense periods of sports training. Try taking Amma Life's exclusive CBDX Sports supplement designed to support an active lifestyle. It is currently on a special introductory offer! Or our THC free collection of products such as the 5% CBD Oil. You can check out our CBD for sports collection here.  Do you know you can easily create your own CBD drink before and after each workout? Just by adding a few sprays to any cold drink and taking it with you when you go training.
Johnny “Swift” Smith, Inter-Continental super welter-weight champion, gives this advice for anyone planning to get into regular training: “A lot of people want a quick fix with fitness and there is no quick-win. When in comes to our wellbeing, it has to be a lifestyle change. Set your goals, make them clear, then try to reach them. The best way is to dive in - just do it.”

Do more of what you enjoy

Take time at least once a week to do the things that make you happy. Whether it be painting, dancing, singing, watching a funny film, baking, colouring, or walking a dog – as long as it makes you feel happy, do it!
If you love a good bath, a long soak at least once a week 1-2 hours before bed can be relaxing and help you sleep. Afterwards massage your skin with nourishing Amma Life Deluxe CBD cream for healthier, more hydrated skin.To stick to your New Year's resolutions this year, follow Johnny Smith’s advice and keep having fun: “Make sure you have fun whatever you choose to do, as it’s easier to commit.”
Keeping the objective in mind can be the key to sticking to your goals, so write down how you expect each goal to make you feel, how it will improve your life, and the impact it will have on yourself and others. “I write goals, put a plan together and just stay focused. Keep it moving, focus on the next challenge and what the original objective was.”

CBD is great for maintaining your health and wellbeing, so try our award-winning range of whole plant CBD products today and make the most of your life in 2020:

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