Amma Life news — health

We're spilling the CBD tea!

We're spilling the CBD tea!

Amma Life CBD tea is a natural, herbal tea that works by steeping the herbs in boiled water to activate the properties of the plant. While there are many ways to take CBD, drinking tea is a relaxing, healthy way to experience CBD and great for beginners. Its immune-supporting compounds mean that this is great way to add cannabinoids into your lifestyle.Okay we're spilling the tea.The UK’s official afternoon tea week is from the 8th to the 14th August - meaning it's the perfect time to gather with friends and family and celebrate the drink that runs through the veins...

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Health Apps for your Mind, Body & Soul

Health Apps for your Mind, Body & Soul

As 2021 beckons a New Year, a new you and a new lockdown (cry), we have decided to draw up a list of (mostly free!) health apps that can help you!Like it or not, our phones have become essential life lines during lockdown. They have helped us to escape, to connect, to explore new passions, and most importantly - to stay healthy.  But with so many apps out there, how do you choose which health apps best suit you? Join us as we look at 14 top health apps that can motivate your New Year's resolutions and boost your lockdown...

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World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

The theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day, marked annually on the 10th October, is “Mental health for all: greater investment, greater access”. So what can you do this year to make mental health and mental health support a greater priority in your life?Every year, more than 800,000 people take their own lives. This is more than through war and homicide combined. It’s a grim reality that without support and access to professional help, many people will take their own lives every year.Removing the stigma surrounding mental illness and providing people with greater access to the help they need...

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Mental Health Awareness Week during Covid-19

Mental Health Awareness Week during Covid-19

Mental Health Awareness Week is here. With surveys suggesting coronavirus is having a profound impact on our mental, as well as physical, wellbeing, we have put together this practical guide with suggestions to help you cope.Anyone concerned about themselves or a loved one can find dedicated helplines and support groups on the NHS website.Outdoor exerciseGovernment guidelines now allow residents of England to spend more time outdoors, including unlimited exercise (from Wednesday, 13th May). This is great news for our mental health & mental health awareness. Studies suggest even 15 minutes of natural daylight can boost your vitamin D levels, which...

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